The Blues Session - Established 2008
The Blues Session - Established 2008
The Blues Session was created from a show originally called ‘Something for the weekend’ which was based with Radio Wey in Surrey. After the introduction of blues in the second hour, it soon became evident that this was a popular music genre and by March 2008 the show had changed its name to The Blues Session with the then Programme Controller Andy Brown’s blessing.
By 2010 Martin had been joined in the studio for live music by Producer and Co-Presenter Heather Harrison and the show also picked up an HBA gold award for specialist music that same year. The show became very popular with musicians with sessions almost every week and with artists booking up months in advance to come and play live on air. It was the radio equivalent of the BBC’s ‘Old Grey Whistle Test’
The show started syndication in 2011 with KCOR in the US and this was recorded in addition to the live shows using a home studio.
In 2012 and after taking voluntary redundancy Martin decided to take a year out to train as a Radio Journalist and spent time with Radio City in Liverpool based with the National Broadcasting School. In November 2012 Martin became a BJTC accredited journalist and went on to work with Radio Jackie 107.8 writing and presenting Travel information. He later joined Mix 96 in Aylesbury for a stint as a freelance journalist.
In early 2014 Martin & Heather relocated to Buckinghamshire and with sadness had to leave behind the live music shows with Radio Wey and continue with syndicated shows to a number of online radio stations.
In June 2017 the Blues Session was able to go to air on FM with 107.2 Red Kite Radio covering an area of Bucks and Oxfordshire and at this point the show returned to live only shows with aims to once again take music and guests.
The show is currently off air until further notice, but what a ride while it lasted!